Monday 11 August 2014

Anita Oyakilomae, and the weapon of mass destruction

A Nigerian proverb says and i quote;
A bird does not change its feathers because the weather is bad.

This i recall severally in the past few weeks of the wake of the Oyakilome' scandal

I then imagined how many church goers would have approached the Pastor Mrs,
with similar issues, and would have received  similar guide. perhaps today's
scandal is a karma in retrospect.

Scandals like this usually validate the usefulness of culture, and even tradition. This is
so because culture during marriages setup a system where close blood ties are established between both families.

During The Storm
Assembling together of those concerned would be the first call of action from the parents or elders.
Their words will serve as bridle that helps the horse with direction.
And life goes on, Church goes on. At this level, who is knowledgeable enough to counsel
the duo? Our fathers say no matter how many cloths a young man can acquire, he will never
have as much rag as an old man.
Is it the people that know less about where the church came from or where the
grace came from, or where the word of God first met the man of God.
No one other than both parents of the husband and wife is qualified enough to interfere,
they will speak from experience and share their own trying times too.

2Corithians 4, 17-18
For our present troubles are small and won't last very long, yet they produce for us
glory that vastly outweighs them and will last for ever. So we don't look at the troubles
we see now, rather we fix our gaze on things that can not be seen. for the things we
see now will soon be gone but the things we can not see will last forever.

I expected our Pastor Mrs, to understand that the present troubles she's experiencing
are small and won't last forever, yet it will produce for her glory that vastly outweighs
her immediate emotional interest. I wasn't expecting her to give attention to these troubles instead
her gaze should be focused on God and not a Chief Judge, for the Judge and jury can be seen
but God and his holy spirit can not be seen.

Why did she not rebuke the voice that advised her to file the suit?
I guess she did not think about God's interest, or the church and its followers
for if she did, she would have found succor in the mountains and in prayers.

To be wife to a pastor, is not going to be easy just as being a pastor isn't easy.
Those that find themselves  there should simply endure or face the consequences

For a pastor is the Original covenant child of God and all God wants from such fellow
is to lead his children out of captivity. God knows you will sin, but he expects it not to come-by easy
and expects you not to remain in the sin after-all, that was why Mighty Jesus died for us.

That's why the book of John clearly says and i quote 'If you say you have no sin, you only
deceive yourself'' another great book says 'the righteous will fall seven times and rise again'

Why has the assumable fall of a man of God turned a drama for unbelievers to further
feed their insatiable appetite.
On the other hand, i think the end might just be very close now, this may be God's strategy
to harden the heart of unbelievers.
On the social media, i see ignoble's ranting and i feel pity for them and not the accused
for their sins are even more, thus, their consequences be more.

Finally, i am not a member of Christ Embassy, i am a christian with God on my mind and
i usually worship with Tabernacle of God prayer ministry in Adeniran Ogunsanya Lagos but i
implore all Christians to stand by the man of God who has evidently, over the years spread
the scripture and empowered lots of youths.

I pray, that our sister in Christ, will receive the holy spirit and its fruits and more importantly,
withdraw the suit.

Douglas Agu

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