Wednesday 23 July 2014

Another Day, Another Lesson from my 9 months old son

Another Day, Another Lesson
God has been so good
for giving me another day, another chance to practice what i learn

Just this morning, the dawn of a bright new day, 
the generator died like a goat in the slaughter.

i woke up and started  preparations for work,
Michael, my 9 month old boy woke up with energy, 

He just returned from a 2 week trip to the Anambra state
where he acclimatized himself with mother-in law, father-inlaw
cousin's, other children and the soil. 

These and much more i concluded gave rise to his new found self, 
among his improved abilities is the ease with which he now comes down from the 3.5ft bed,

the way he struggles to open the door,
of course it was because he saw other kids do same with ease in the village.

this time around, this morning the sleep was still in his eyes, the room was only lit by strands 
of light that escaped the window blinds.

Seeing me sitting and preparing for work,
He jumped over his half awoken mum, raced towards the edge of the bed, and tried to come down as he usually did in the last 3 days of his come back. 

i paid less attention to him since he did not come to my side of the bed,
on his own, he tried to come down but he miscalculated and fell head to the ground...

He screamed into cry and i felt it in my brains but i held my emotions together,
i picked him up and shouldered him, and it was still not enough,
until his sleeping mother recalled her birth pains, she drew strength from the word of God,

rose to a sit-up, gestured to have the baby, and fell into rest, were the baby can be breast fed.
and like the generator that died off earlier, my babies cry died off immediately after.  

The Title "Another day another lesson" then came to my mind.

i realized what happened to my son happens to a lot of Business men,  Christians, Politicians, e.t.c.

At the point we think we know it all,
When we think we are good to do it all by your self
whether without God, or with out the boss or the teacher or even the God father,

we really need to be sure that when events unfold to the contrary, it is not for the life that God created to suffer the consequencies, or the nation we swore to protect.

or another mans hard earned money,
so let us in all things make consultations with God,  Through fasting and prayer,
and who it honestly due to, in particular situations
by giving due respect

Become Blessed...


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