Tuesday 26 July 2016

Zafaa Film Sumbission Dead Line - AUG 2nd 2016: What are you waiting for?

 Zafaa is Africa's Biggest Showbiz Award Ceremony.
Aside the award opportunity, ZAFAA organizes a two day empowerment programs for youths and stakeholders respectively as stated below;
i.                     A masters class workshop on film for Upcoming(YOUTHS)
ii.                   Trade promotion and investment in African film industry; the ethics and value.

 Although Zafaa started off in the UK in 2006, the prominent Award has moved its base down to Nigeria in order to personally touch lives. Zafaa's nomination party however, has gotten approval to continue abroad.

The African Film Festival and Academy Awards also known as ZAFAA Global Awards is a highly regarded film event in Nigeria and the UK. Last year, ZAFAA was held at the Eko Hotel & Suites, Lagos, Nigeria in collaboration with Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and it was a brilliant success.

Thursday 16 July 2015


At about mid day, 5 minutes to 12, on the 15th of July 2015. Fire came out of thin air at Oando filling Station along Herbert Macaulay road Ebute metta axis.

Residents and business men fled with speed because just a stone throw is another active filling station belonging to Mobil.

In an interview with the manager turn Hero, Mr Saheed Waheed who was observing the ongoing Ramadan fasting and prayer. He confessed that Allah was at work.

Mr saheed said he was just concluding meetings with Auditors when he heard loud shout;

fire!!! fire!!! fire!!!

He rushed out of his office only to be greeted by the fire and a couple of helpless fuel attendant struggling to enable the fire extinguishers. The manager, Mr Saheed found his way beside the fire to reach the struggling attendant, and hammered the head of the extinguisher on the ground, pulled the pin and the extinguisher was immediately enabled, he sprayed at the fire and in his words;

As i spray the extinguisher the fire went back and returned towards me with more flames but i continued to spray, all of a sudden, more people joined me in spraying and after about 10 minutes, we killed the fire.

I thank God because he did not fail me, when i saw the fire, the first thing that came to my mind was; i am fasting, nothing can go wrong and i thank Allah nothing went wrong. i also thank our colleagues that stood by us, we heard some people ran as far away as Yaba while we fought the fire, but these ones are here, cleaning and making the place look like nothing happened.

What caused the fire?

According to eye witnessed, they said it was after a funny looking man bought fuel and drove away, flames from the exhaust of his vehicle ignited fire and he did not look back or stop.

I see Fire Service truck outside, did they in any way contribute to the stoppage of the fire?

To be honest, we had stopped the fire 30 minutes before they arrived. If we had given the fire so much time, we won't be able to stand within this premises to run this interview. But i thank God because they have improved slightly over time to what it was 10years ago, however, i am convinced they can do more. With their siren, it should not take them 7 minutes.

We interviewed an attendant who prefers not to be mentioned.

He said he was preparing to run, but when he saw manager confronting the fire, he was forced to remember that there are more fire extinguishers and he went for one and others joined too. He further emphasized that the only reason he and others joined manager was because manager was a good and understanding guy, he repeated that the manager, mr Saheed is somebody we  all have a soft spot for so leaving him to confront the fire alone did not feel normal, hence we found ourselves fighting fires.

Story as reported by
Douglas Agu

Friday 29 May 2015

How should Nigerians salute fellow citizens and resisdence in a time like this?

How do we greet on a day like this? 

Happy independence day or Happy hands over day, 

or Happy good day? 

For the corrupt ones, Bad independence day or 

baddest hand over day or Sad Bad Day...

Drop your opinions HERE

Wednesday 11 March 2015


Becoming a Sport Bet agent is now as easy as ABC

All you need is-

{i} A Selling Point: Selling point is a spot, shop or a place where if you take position there is a high probability
of recording good sales. it is usually characterized by consisting of sport lovers, youths and market.

{ii} Lap Top or Desk Top: As the word implies, a computer which will serve as a channel to sell the product.

{iii}Float: Float is a start up capital required to ensure every thing works. it is usually between Twenty thousand and Fifty thousand Naira only. in most cases, it is used to buy accessories such as printers, internet, paper rolls e.t.c. and a small chunk of it as security.


When you are able to fulfill the above mentioned, You will be expected to fill some documents which then translate to mean you are partnering with the sponsoring company and you can earn up to
30 percent on profit.

Isn't that awesome?

Don't wait for the government to change, Be that CHANGE

If you are interested in becoming an agent, call these numbers 

08138220086, 09091745947 

Monday 11 August 2014

Anita Oyakilomae, and the weapon of mass destruction

A Nigerian proverb says and i quote;
A bird does not change its feathers because the weather is bad.

This i recall severally in the past few weeks of the wake of the Oyakilome' scandal

I then imagined how many church goers would have approached the Pastor Mrs,
with similar issues, and would have received  similar guide. perhaps today's
scandal is a karma in retrospect.

Scandals like this usually validate the usefulness of culture, and even tradition. This is
so because culture during marriages setup a system where close blood ties are established between both families.

During The Storm
Assembling together of those concerned would be the first call of action from the parents or elders.
Their words will serve as bridle that helps the horse with direction.
And life goes on, Church goes on. At this level, who is knowledgeable enough to counsel
the duo? Our fathers say no matter how many cloths a young man can acquire, he will never
have as much rag as an old man.
Is it the people that know less about where the church came from or where the
grace came from, or where the word of God first met the man of God.
No one other than both parents of the husband and wife is qualified enough to interfere,
they will speak from experience and share their own trying times too.

2Corithians 4, 17-18
For our present troubles are small and won't last very long, yet they produce for us
glory that vastly outweighs them and will last for ever. So we don't look at the troubles
we see now, rather we fix our gaze on things that can not be seen. for the things we
see now will soon be gone but the things we can not see will last forever.

I expected our Pastor Mrs, to understand that the present troubles she's experiencing
are small and won't last forever, yet it will produce for her glory that vastly outweighs
her immediate emotional interest. I wasn't expecting her to give attention to these troubles instead
her gaze should be focused on God and not a Chief Judge, for the Judge and jury can be seen
but God and his holy spirit can not be seen.

Why did she not rebuke the voice that advised her to file the suit?
I guess she did not think about God's interest, or the church and its followers
for if she did, she would have found succor in the mountains and in prayers.

To be wife to a pastor, is not going to be easy just as being a pastor isn't easy.
Those that find themselves  there should simply endure or face the consequences

For a pastor is the Original covenant child of God and all God wants from such fellow
is to lead his children out of captivity. God knows you will sin, but he expects it not to come-by easy
and expects you not to remain in the sin after-all, that was why Mighty Jesus died for us.

That's why the book of John clearly says and i quote 'If you say you have no sin, you only
deceive yourself'' another great book says 'the righteous will fall seven times and rise again'

Why has the assumable fall of a man of God turned a drama for unbelievers to further
feed their insatiable appetite.
On the other hand, i think the end might just be very close now, this may be God's strategy
to harden the heart of unbelievers.
On the social media, i see ignoble's ranting and i feel pity for them and not the accused
for their sins are even more, thus, their consequences be more.

Finally, i am not a member of Christ Embassy, i am a christian with God on my mind and
i usually worship with Tabernacle of God prayer ministry in Adeniran Ogunsanya Lagos but i
implore all Christians to stand by the man of God who has evidently, over the years spread
the scripture and empowered lots of youths.

I pray, that our sister in Christ, will receive the holy spirit and its fruits and more importantly,
withdraw the suit.

Douglas Agu

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Another Day, Another Lesson from my 9 months old son

Another Day, Another Lesson
God has been so good
for giving me another day, another chance to practice what i learn

Just this morning, the dawn of a bright new day, 
the generator died like a goat in the slaughter.

i woke up and started  preparations for work,
Michael, my 9 month old boy woke up with energy, 

He just returned from a 2 week trip to the Anambra state
where he acclimatized himself with mother-in law, father-inlaw
cousin's, other children and the soil. 

These and much more i concluded gave rise to his new found self, 
among his improved abilities is the ease with which he now comes down from the 3.5ft bed,

the way he struggles to open the door,
of course it was because he saw other kids do same with ease in the village.

this time around, this morning the sleep was still in his eyes, the room was only lit by strands 
of light that escaped the window blinds.

Seeing me sitting and preparing for work,
He jumped over his half awoken mum, raced towards the edge of the bed, and tried to come down as he usually did in the last 3 days of his come back. 

i paid less attention to him since he did not come to my side of the bed,
on his own, he tried to come down but he miscalculated and fell head to the ground...

He screamed into cry and i felt it in my brains but i held my emotions together,
i picked him up and shouldered him, and it was still not enough,
until his sleeping mother recalled her birth pains, she drew strength from the word of God,

rose to a sit-up, gestured to have the baby, and fell into rest, were the baby can be breast fed.
and like the generator that died off earlier, my babies cry died off immediately after.  

The Title "Another day another lesson" then came to my mind.

i realized what happened to my son happens to a lot of Business men,  Christians, Politicians, e.t.c.

At the point we think we know it all,
When we think we are good to do it all by your self
whether without God, or with out the boss or the teacher or even the God father,

we really need to be sure that when events unfold to the contrary, it is not for the life that God created to suffer the consequencies, or the nation we swore to protect.

or another mans hard earned money,
so let us in all things make consultations with God,  Through fasting and prayer,
and who it honestly due to, in particular situations
by giving due respect

Become Blessed...


Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Return of Wall Paper is Massive

Back in the early 80's we call them wall papers
Now, they are called Exotic Wall Coverings....................

With new and modified texture that is water friendly, The edge is wedged.  They don't just cover your walls, they reflect your heart.

Wallpaper actually began in ancient China, first because the Chinese invented paper, and secondly because they glued rice paper onto their walls as early as 200 B.C.
In 105 A.D., the Chinese court official Ts'ai Lun, invented papermaking from textile waste, i.e. from rags. This was the birth of paper as we know it today. Some time in the 8th century, several Chinese prisoners with papermaking skills worked under Arabs, who in turn, spread the knowledge of papermaking throughout the Middle East.
By the 10th century, Arabians were substituting linen fibers for wood and bamboo, creating a finer sheet of paper.  Paper now reached a much higher quality level.
During 12th century, papermaking had spread throughout Europe.
The earliest European pictorial block prints were religious souvenirs known today as "helgen".  The oldest known, a representation of the Virgin, is dated 1418.  It is now in
the Royal Library at Brussels. 
This type of printing method may have also been used by
the Chinese as early as the 5th century. Jean Bourdichon painted 50 rolls of paper with angels on a blue background for Louis XI
of France in 1481.  King Louis ordered the portable wallpaper because he found it necessary to move frequently from castle to castle. 
         Other well-heeled Europeans commissioned artists to paint paper for their walls, but real wallpaper can hardly be
said to have existed till the advent of the printing press.

For more information on how you can spark up that intended expression in your home, give us a call.

You deserve to live like this............!

Next week, i will come up with how we covered the mess in a clients house, not too far from Lekki Phase one.

The pained elderly man didn't get the service he expected from the Builders, but ofcourse by word of mouth, he got information about me from his friend when he cried out. That was the day i started truly beleiving that a problem shared is half way solved.

We got to the location and as usual, after praying, God used us to make the old man confess that the engineers mistake has turn out to pay. i giggled and felt a kind of satisfaction that once more, Wall Paper has done the magic.

Although wall paper may seem expensive, it is why we call it Exotic coverings.

It's for those that want to experience a synchronization between their mind and their walls or confinement.

Tel: 08138220086   Tel: 08138220086 Tel: 08138220086  Tel: 09091745947    Tel: 09091745947  Tel: 09091745947